Innsbruck Taxi Tirol terms and conditions

Innsbruck Taxi Tirol

If not explicitly stated otherwise, our terms and conditions apply.

  1.  Terms of liability:

Basically we hold responsibility only for damages that are directly linked with the company. „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“ bears no responsibility for missed departures. The company categorically defeats any resulting additional costs and oncost due to this case. In case of missed departures, the complete fare will be accounted or alternatively not be refunded. We are not liable for weather-related delay, status, road construction, road blocks and no incidents caused by third parties either. „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“ cannot be held responsible for any kind of luggage, its contents, for animals, items of all kinds, electronic devices and various other commodities and goods.

  1. Terms of booking:

Transfer rides can be booked via internet, telephone or fax. Non-regional reservations, apply only after written confirmation through „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“. In case of unpredictable happenings, such as traffic jams, weather-related delays or car crashes, the transfer might be terminated or withdrawn. „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“ will try to supply a replacement vehicle. Latency has to be accepted in this case. The agreed price will be cleared as the fare!

Special offers, online price lookup and price list:

Our offers are nonobligatory. Our written confirmation is mandatory for the acceptance of the contract as well as the specification of our services. Oral or telephonic side agreements apply only after particular notational agreements through „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“.

All prices mentioned by „Innsbruck Taxi Tirol“ are in Euro and if not particularly stated otherwise, include the statutory sales tax. Price lists apply without guarantee. We are not liable for imprints.


For cancellations within 48 hours before commencement of service, 100% of the agreed price for the one-way transfer on the standard route will be charged. The reversal for the return transfer is free of charge.

Terms of payment:

Are there no other written agreements made, the fee for the performed service must be paid to the driver directly afterwards. Account deduction or any other kind of deduction are only granted within the scope and after written agreement.

Place of fulfilment:

Adamgasse 31
6020 Innsbruck


Should any litigation occur from this contract, the factually appropriate court situated at the place of business of the company is in charge exclusively locally.

Freedom of choice:

Austrian substantive law takes effect. The application of UNConventiononContractsfortheInternationalSaleofGoods is impossible. The language of contract is German.

Legal effect:

Should individual clauses of these terms and conditions be void, it does not affect the efficacy of the remaining provisions and those of the whole legal transaction. The void clause must be replaced by one that is economically nearest to the void clause.

Any special legal regulations can be found in the federal legal information system

The Management.